Board of Education asks State to Delay Graduation Requirement for New Tests
Seniors in Montgomery County Schools may not have to pass new state high school exams to graduate, if the school system here gets a two-year delay in using the new testing system as a graduation requirement.
The state has indicated that the PARCC exams in high school will have two distinct scoring levels, or cut scores, for students—a lower score that will meet the graduation requirement and a higher one that will indicate college and career readiness. Kauffman raised a series of questions about the tiered cut scores.
“If a college-ready cut score differs from the graduation cut score, what is the most meaningful indicator for institutions of higher education or employers? What messages do tiered cut scores send to students?” Kauffman asked in his letter.
The letter also asked why the state felt it was appropriate to delay the use of PARCC for purposes of personnel evaluations, but did not think it was “equally appropriate to delay the use as a high stakes test for students.”
Kauffman asked Lowery and Dukes to delay the graduation requirement for PARCC and begin a broad conversations about how the new tests are used during a period of transition.
“It is time for an open, honest, and inclusive conversation among our state leaders and key education stakeholders about how Maryland should use the results of what all agree will be a significantly more rigorous assessment,” he wrote.
Read the full letter and documentation below.
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