Board of Education Candidates Weigh in on Expansion of Special Programs to All Schools

Eleven candidates for Montgomery County Board of Education participated in the April 23, 2018 Candidates’ Forum hosted by the League of Women Voters of Montgomery County. Tracie Potts of NBC 4 moderated the forum. All candidates were asked their position on the following question:

In an effort to expand access, given the limitations of the budget and instructional resources, are you in favor of making programs such as dual language, CTE: career technology education, and other programs, A – Available in-home schools, or B – Available In centers of excellence at limited sites around the county?

Rippeon, Arbuckle, Silvestre, Edib, Reiley, Robertson, Simon, and O’Neill would expand dual language and career technology education programs to all schools (A) available in-home schools.

Amano and Ibrahim would expand dual language and career technology education programs to all schools (B) available In centers of excellence at limited sites around the county.

Sugg abstained from the question.

The forum included Ryan Arbuckle, Timur Edib, Marwa Omar Ibrahim, Julie Reiley, Brandon Orman Rippeon, John A. Robertson, Karla Silvestre, and Stephen Sugg in the at large; Lynn Amano, Patricia O’Neill, and Laura Simon in the District 3 race.

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