Board Approves Funds for Five More Capital Bikeshare Stations
The Board of Public Works has approved $250,000 for purchase and construction of five new Capital Bikeshare DownCounty stations to augment Montgomery County’s existing system, which currently has 49 stations. Two more stations will be added upon arrival of the additional station equipment. The five new stations are expected to be installed in the Spring of 2016. The County will fund the bikes and operating expenses.
The State funds were allocated to the County through a General Assembly Bond Bill passed in 2012. The bill sponsors were Senators Brian Frosh, Richard Madaleno and Jamie Raskin and Delegates Al Carr, William Frick, Ana Sol Gutierrez, Sheila Hixson, Tom Hucker, Ariana Kelly, Susan Lee, Eric Luedtke, Heather Mizeur and Jeff Waldstreicher.
According to county officials, the use of Montgomery County’s Bikeshare program nearly doubled from March to April. The number of trips originating in Montgomery County grew from 1,630 in March to 3,182 in April, an increase of 95 percent. The total number of trips since the program began in September 2013 through April 2014 is 11,533.
More information about Capital Bikeshare is available online.
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