BlackRock Center Providing Donated Goods for Families in Need
The BlackRock Center for the Arts has a temporary Upcounty Consolidation Hub center for donated essential goods to help communities in need throughout upper Montgomery County.
BlackRock has partnered with several local organizations to help provide essential items for children, families, and seniors impacted by the COVID-19 health crisis. Officials with the nonprofit cultural arts center say the Kay Gallery at BlackRock has been transformed into a space for consolidating and repackaging donated essential items that will be distributed to vulnerable families.
“BlackRock has always felt the support of so many people in upper Montgomery County. In these challenging and uncertain times, it’s important that we step forward and give back to the community that generously supports BlackRock,” said BlackRock Center for the Arts CEO, Lynn Andreas Arndt.
Officials with the BlackRock Center say there is a high need for the following items: Baby Diapers, Baby Wipes, and Ziploc Bags (Quart, Gallon). Clothing is not accepted. Click here for more details.
The Upcounty Hub at BlackRock is in urgent need of BABY WIPES for families in need who are served by our Hub. Donations can be dropped off weekdays from 10 am – 4 pm at the rear entrance to our building near the parking lot. #montgomerystrong #hubatblackrock #babywipesdrive pic.twitter.com/jg8SvVL8RM
— blackrockcenter (@BlackRockCenter) July 15, 2020
We are grateful for the donations of much needed items for the #UpcountyConsolidationHub at BlackRock. Diapers, food and other items are safely delivered weekly to the most vulnerable families in upper #MoCo. Please note we can't accept clothing. Thanks! https://t.co/80AHV7plav pic.twitter.com/AmEnbiZhYb
— blackrockcenter (@BlackRockCenter) July 15, 2020
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