picture of roger berliner

County Council Approves Budget (Video)

The Montgomery County Council unanimously approved a $4.6 billion total county operating budget for Fiscal Year 2013. The budget, which reflects a 5.6 percent increase over the approved budget for FY 2012, “makes strategic restorations to county services that have recently sustained deep cuts and reflects the tenor of the times: Guarded optimism for our County’s fiscal outlook,” said Council President Roger Berliner. The Council on May 24 formally adopted the FY 2013 operating budget, and the Fiscal Years 2013-18 six-year Capital Improvements Program. The budget will go into effect on July 1.

The budget maintains property taxes $32 million below the charter limit and reduces energy taxes by $11.4 million. The budget includes a modest raise for Montgomery County employees, the first in three years. Education remains the top priority, both Montgomery County Public Schools and Montgomery College will receive 100% of their budget requests.
You can view Berliner’s comments and learn more in this video:

“It is lean, but not without substance.
It invests wisely, not irresponsibly.
And, it is restorative, not reckless.”

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