Berliner Announces Potential Transit Service for Tobytown Residents at HOC Meeting (VIDEO & PHOTOS)

IMG_6637UPDATED More than a week after Tobytown resident James Martin made the case for bus service at a Montgomery County Council budget hearing,  the community received a response from local leaders at a Housing Opportunities Commission (HOC) meeting held at the Tobytown recreation center Monday night.

Montgomery County Council Vice President Roger Berliner stopped by the meeting and announced his plans to support a shuttle route proposal, that would include Tobytown. Berliner said that the County Council will vote on the matter at a meeting to be held on Thursday. He added that the proposed all-day transit service would connect residents to Metro, schools, and jobs in the area.

Delegate Aruna Miller (D-15th District) also attended and helped organize the meeting.

“I reached out to the executive director of HOC, Stacy Spann, and insisted that we have a community meeting to be able to bring everyone together and talk about the issues and how we can all collectively work together,” Miller said.

For residents, the meeting was an opportunity to highlight various issues with officials, including the maintenance of common areas like the parking lot pavement and sidewalks. The community’s history was also a key topic as well as creating a formal homeowner’s association.

Mary Wilson is a long time resident of Tobytown and says the meeting allowed residents to become familiar with local leaders and highlight concerns.

IMG_6643“All the residents really came out and were really concerned about…what was going on. They wanted to know who was who, what was going to be done with issues that they had and there were a lot of people here who had lots of things to say,” Wilson said.  “We had a lot of complaints, we had a lot of stories to tell, the past, the history. It’s good that we got everything out. It’s good to get a response from HOC…and they will get to working from this day forth,” she said.

Some residents are cautiously optimistic following the meeting.

“It was a positive day, people came out. It was great, a lot of people talked about their issues and concerns,” Martin said. “I appreciate even HOC with them coming out with the support they are showing now. It’s like a different organization in there. How long they’re going to staying like that is the question…we’ll see,”  he said.

Spann says the event was a good opportunity to meet with residents and listen.

“It gives us an opportunity to make good on our efforts to work with folks to move forward.” Spann said

Residents have requested another meeting with HOC representatives. Spann asked residents to provide him with three dates for the next meeting. Residents say they’ve provided HOC representatives with dates for June. For more about Tobytown, visit the HOC website.

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Maureen Chowdhury

About Maureen Chowdhury

Maureen Chowdhury is a multimedia journalist with Montgomery Community Media. She can be reached at and on Twitter at @MediaMaureen. Maureen authors the blog Sound Check on MyMCMedia.


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