Behind The Scenes: The Round House Theatre Camp (Video)
This week “What to Do & Where to Go” is sneaking a peek at a summer camp at the Round House Theatre Education Center in Silver Spring.
Hey Kids! Are your knock-knock jokes a little stale? Have you run out of pranks? Not too worry! You can refresh your comedy skills and learn some new ones at CLOWNING AROUND, a summer camp at Silver Spring’s Round House Theatre June 25 to June 29.
CLOWNING AROUND is just right for boys and girls in grades 5 – 8 who want to explore the art and fun of clowning and physical comedy. “Physical comedy uses the body,” says Education and Outreach Program Manager, Jillian Levine-Sisson. “During these sessions, we’ll teach campers the classic techniques you might see in a Three Stooges gag, like pretending to trip or slipping on a banana peel. There’s a right way and a wrong way to fall, and we’ll teach the campers to do it safely.”
Another great favorite of this camp is learning from the granddaddy of the insult-joke: old Willy Shakespeare. Shakespeare used a triple-word insult that really stung. So, this phrase, spoken to a younger brother or sister: “Hey, you dingbat! Stay out of my room,” becomes “Hey, you beslubbering, beef-witted, barnacle! Stay out of my room.” Your parents will be so proud of your knowledge of Elizabethan literature!
CLOWNING AROUND is a fun and fantastic introduction to the art of clowning.
This camp runs from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. during the week of June 25-29. Cost is $250.
Visit the Roundhouse Theatre website to learn more about the camp.
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