Balcombe Elected to Maryland Chamber Board (Photo)
Marilyn Balcombe, President/CEO, Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce was elected to the Maryland Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors on May 1.
As the 2013 President of the Maryland Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives, Ms. Balcombe takes over an ex-officio position on the Maryland Chamber’s Board of Directors for the coming year.
The Board, consisting of 60 business leaders throughout the State of Maryland, is currently chaired by Tom Graham, President of Pepco Region, Pepco Holdings, Inc.
The Maryland Chamber of Commerce connects over 800 businesses, with more than 440,000 employees statewide, working together to promote economic growth and job creation in Maryland. The Mission of Maryland Chamber of Commerce is to support its members and advance the State as a national and global competitive leader in economic growth and private sector job creation through its effective advocacy, high level networking and timely communications. The Maryland Chamber’s vision is to be the leading voice of business in Maryland.
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