Bagels Not Bombs Rally Held in Rockville After Threats Made to Jewish Day School

In response to a recent bomb threat made to the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School, residents gathered in Rockville early Wednesday for a rally called, “Bagels not Bombs.”

Esther Schrader, who helped organize the event, said residents are concerned about the recent spike in threats being made towards Jewish community centers across the country.

“I think that our community and communities across this country have been experiencing trauma in the wake of this election with the rise of racially motivated violence of all kinds,” Schrader said. “I think that we have to come together and say ‘this is not who we are.'”

Montgomery County Council President Roger Berliner joined residents to discuss their concerns.

“I’m standing in solidarity with my Jewish people in saying this really has to stop,” Berliner said. “What has been unleashed in this country, the anger, the hatred, the bigotry; we just need to stand in solidarity and say ‘this is not who we are and we will not allow this to keep happening. ‘”

Organizers said the goal of the event is to stand up against hatred.

“As Jews we have a special responsibility to say as the cliché goes, ‘never again,'” Schrader said.  “Never in our community and never in any community that is feeling threatened and there are many.”

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Mitti Hicks

About Mitti Hicks

Mitti Hicks is a multimedia journalist and community engagement specialist with Montgomery Community Media. She is passionate about telling stories that impact our community and may be reached at and on Twitter @mittimegan.


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