photo plastic bag litter side of the road

Bag Tax Revisited (Video)

A bill that would revise Montgomery County’s five-cent excise tax on disposable bags was introduced before the County Council during the Council’s general session on April 23. Bill 10-13 would limit the tax to bags distributed at food stores. It also would repeal the tax on plastic food take-out bags.

The County’s tax on bags went into effect on Jan. 1, 2012. Councilmembers Roger Berliner, Nancy Floreen and Craig Rice are the sponsors of Bill 10-13 that would modify the bag tax. The bill defines food stores as any retail store where food consists of more than two percent of gross sales by dollar value. The tax would continue to cover non-food items purchased at stores that meet the definition of a food store.

A public hearing is tentatively scheduled on Bill 10-13 for 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 18.

County Executive Ike Leggett and Director of Environmental Protection in Montgomery County Bob Hoyt voice their support to not alter the bag tax. County Cable Montgomery reports in this video. Take a look.

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