Backpack Report: Bob Balkam

My name is Carolyn Youstra, and I’m a freshman at Churchill High School. I recently visited the Ingleside Residence Community to interview Mr. Bob Balkam. I learned so much on what it was like being in Europe during World War II and all about the true message of Mattie J. T. Stepanek. Mr. Balkam had suggested that I go to the Mattie J.T. Stepanek park, just a few blocks away from Ingleside at King Farm. There, I had met the wonderful Jeni Stepank, the mother of Mattie. I am so excited to present this film that I made on Bob’s history and how Mattie changed his outlook. I also have film on Jeni Stepanek and her relationship with Bob as a friend and neighbor.

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Montgomery Community Media’s training program teaches you how to make your voice heard through the use of television and other forms of media. Montgomery Community Media offers a wide variety of video classes in field and studio production to Montgomery County residents and organizations. Students are trained to utilize Montgomery Community Media’s equipment to produce their own programs for air on Access 19 and the Montgomery Channel as well as the web and to volunteer on other productions.


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