To significantly reduce your taxes now and in the future, you need to plan ahead. There are several strategies you can adopt to lower your tax bill. When I was studying for the Certified Financial Planner™ certification, I was amazed at the volumes of strategies we are allowed to take to reduce our tax bill. […]
Blog: 3 Reasons to Choose a Fiduciary Financial Advisor
Finding a financial planner can be tough! Finding one you can trust who works in your best interest can be even more challenging. This video will cover three reasons you will want to choose a fiduciary financial advisor. If you’d like to learn more about how to select a fiduciary financial advisor, schedule a free […]
Blog: Child Tax Credit 2021: 8 Things You Need to Know
If you have a child, you might get some money this year from the IRS. The American Rescue Plan Act that was signed into law on March 10, 2021 increases the child tax credit and calls for payments to be sent to families. The child tax credit 2021 payments are completely separate from the stimulus […]
Blog: How to Find Fee-Only Financial Planners
Finding a trustworthy financial planner is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Only less than 10% of financial advisors in the country are required to act in your best interest. Luckily, you’re halfway through your search, after discovering the reasons why fee-only financial planners are the best way to go. Here are three great […]
Blog: 4 Reasons to Hire a Fee-Only Financial Planner
Hiring a financial planner is a big step and you might want to consider hiring a fee-only financial planner. You’ll want to find someone you can trust and who will be your advocate for your current and future self. Read on for four reasons why a fee-only financial planner might be your best choice: Reason […]
Blog: What is the Best Account for Children’s Savings?
Do you have a son or daughter? Do you want to set up a savings account for them? You can help your children get set up for the future by having them develop those good financial habits early on. In this article, I’m going to answer three questions related to setting up a savings account […]
Blog: Three Biggest 401k Mistakes!
Understanding your 401k can sometimes be difficult. It’s possible that you’re making mistakes with your 401k that you aren’t even aware of. In this video, Alvin Carlos, from District Capital Management, will help you avoid three of the biggest mistakes people make with their 401k.
Blog: Pros and Cons of a 529 College Savings Plan
Would you like to start saving for your child’s college? In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of saving through a 529 college savings plan. If you live in DC, Maryland, or Virginia, we will also cover the ins and outs of the 529 Maryland, 529 DC and 529 VA plans. […]
Blog: Top Three Thrift Savings Plan Tips
Are you working in a government job or serving in the military? If so, watch this video for three tips that can help you make sure you are maximizing your Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) allocation!
Blog: What is the Best Roth IRA Calculator?
Do you want to know how much you can contribute to a Roth IRA this year? The main benefit of contributing to a Roth is you will be able to grow your investments tax-free. However, if you deposit money into your Roth IRA while no longer being eligible (or more than the allowable amount), the […]
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