Arts & Humanities Council Announces Over $3.5 Million in Grant Awards

Suzan Jenkins at Executive's Ball

Suzan Jenkins is the CEO of the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County.

The Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County (AHCMC) is awarding 91 grants totaling more than $3.5 million for arts and humanities programs and activities in Montgomery County.

These grants support the wide range of cultural activities that are available to the County’s residents, including music, dance, theater, visual arts, literary activities and historical programs.

Funds to support these grants are provided by the Montgomery County Government and were included in the FY15 County Operating Budget proposed by the County Executive Isiah Leggett and adopted by the Montgomery County Council.

“These grants will support local cultural organizations and programs that create transformative experiences for Montgomery County’s children and families,” says, AHCMC CEO Suzan Jenkins. “The arts and humanities in our region foster quality of life, make our communities vibrant, and significantly support our local economy. With these benefits to the County in mind, we are pleased to provide these grants in support of our cultural and creative community.”

For a full list of grantees, visit

For more information about AHCMC grants, visit

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