Area Grocery Stores Open for Business after Snowstorm

The snowstorm has forced offices, businesses and schools around the region to close on Monday. According the National Weather Service, some areas received nearly 30 inches of snow. Some grocery stores in the County closed during the snow storm while others remained open. If you’re running low on food, here’s a list of some of the stores around Montgomery County that are open for business.

Open today from 9am-5pm. Come on in and say hi. Unless we get some other employees who can dig out, its just the same 9 of us. We’ve all been here since Friday morning, some as early as 3am.

Posted by Chevy Chase Supermarket on Sunday, January 24, 2016

All Giant stores are in Montgomery County are open.









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Willie James Inman

About Willie James Inman

Willie James Inman is a Community Engagement Specialist and Multimedia Journalist at Montgomery Community Media (MCM). You can email story ideas at or reach him on Twitter @imwilljames.


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