Aquilino Cancer Center to Name Meditation Room in Honor of Retiring State Senator Jennie Forehand
The Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center Foundation is scheduled to pay tribute to Maryland State Senator Jennie Forehand for her long-standing advocacy of Shady Grove
Medical Center during its annual dinner on Oct. 21 and name the Aquilino Cancer Center’s meditation room in her honor.
“As one of the initial supporters of Shady Grove Medical Center, Sen. Forehand has been critical to our success,” says John Sackett, president of Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center and executive vice president & chief operating officer of Adventist HealthCare. “We are pleased to recognize her for making both our history and present possible as we
continue to meet the changing needs of our community.”
Sen. Forehand, a Rockville resident and community leader, saw the need for a hospital in upper Montgomery County in the mid to late 1970s. She was on the Montgomery Health Planning Board when the idea for Shady Grove Medical Center (formerly Shady Grove Adventist Hospital) emerged. The facility opened in 1979 and celebrates its 35th anniversary this year.
“That was my first introduction to what was to become this wonderful facility that it is today and is so important to our community,” says Sen. Forehand in a press release. “Anybody who has been [at Shady Grove Medical Center] has received quality care and caring care and I am just ever so pleased to have had the opportunity to work with so many great people here.”
Sen. Forehand is retiring this year after serving District 17 for 36 years in the Maryland General Assembly. She was elected to the House of Delegates in 1978, then elected to the Senate in 1994.
“We are pleased to recognize Sen. Forehand for her years of support,” says Will Smith, chief development officer of the Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center Foundation. “We have a stone in our meditation room that represents strength and courage. Those are words that come to mind when I think of Jennie Forehand and what she has stood for over the years.”
The Foundation says it will install a plaque during a ceremony later this year.
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