Applications Open for New Racial and Social Justice Policy Analyst Position

The Montgomery County Office of Legislative Oversight (OLO) is looking to fill their newest position: Racial and Social Justice Policy Analyst.

The county signed the Racial Justice and Social Equity Act in December. In doing so, OLO must now conduct Racial Equity and Social Justice Impact Assessments (REIAs), starting August 1, for any new legislative proposals. Part of the new analyst’s position will be to perform the assessments, according to the job description. The deadline to apply is July 29.

Additional responsibilities can be found here along with the application. The county government is looking for someone with communication and interpersonal skills, as well as a knowledge of different analytical tools and the ability to work with a team. They must also be able to attend occasional meetings and work out of office when needed.

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About Tori Bergel

Tori Bergel was a summer 2020 intern at Montgomery Community Media. At the time, she was a rising senior within the Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland.


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