Applications for Distinguished African American Scholar Awards Close April 16

The Montgomery County Alliance of Black School Educators (MCABSE), a non-profit organization devoted to furthering the academic success of children of African descent, is accepting applications for its Distinguished African American Scholar Awards.

MCABSE are looking for students in Montgomery County “committed to leadership in their high schools and communities; passionate and committed to their education and demonstrate a deliberate pursuit of academic excellence; dedicated to their school and community; talented, positive and motivated in the use of their talents.”

Montgomery County Public School (MCPS) administrators and counselors are asked to submit their nominations for graduating seniors who they believe meet the described criteria and have demonstrated outstanding achievement. Students are then asked to complete a personal statement along with two letters of recommendation and other academic documents (listed in the application packet checklist).

Application packets must be submitted electronically by 3 p.m. on Friday, April 16 and students will be notified of their application status by May 7. The selected 2021 MCABSE Scholars will get to attend the 11th annual awards ceremony on May 14 and receive a certificate and graduation cord.

Selected students will also have the opportunity to receive scholarships through the MCABSE Scholarship/Awards Committee, which informs that they will be releasing a complete list of scholarship sponsors and partners at a future date.

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About Abby Espiritu

Abby Espiritu was an intern at Montgomery Community Media in the spring of 2021.


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