Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

 Transforming Lives – National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month

Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States — 5.4 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease and nearly 15 million are acting as caregivers.  86,000 people in Maryland are diagnosed with this devastating disease and approximately 20% of them live in Montgomery County.  November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month.   During November, Host Sheila Ogilvie and Guest Co-Host Lorna Forde, were joined by Susan Kudla Finn, President and CEO of the National Capital Area Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association.

Susan Kudla Finn discussed the 10 early signs of Alzheimer disease, medical advances, clinical trials, educational services, and resources including on-line resources available for caregivers.  We learned that the Alzheimer’s Association operates a 24/7 Helpline that provides reliable information and support to all who need assistance.  Caregivers can call the toll-free Helpline anytime day or night at 1.800.272.3900.

November is also National Family Caregivers Month.  National Family Caregivers Month honors the unsung heros of the Alzheimer’s disease epidemic by recognizing the selfless dedication of the 15 million unpaid caregivers:  the daughters, sons, wives, husbands, and grandchildren, who provide care to more than 5 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease.

Watch the full episode of Transforming Lives – Alzheimer’s Awareness to learn more about valuable services available in Montgomery County and the surrounding areas to raise awareness and assist families living with Alzheimer’s disease.  The show is scheduled to air Thursday, November 29 at 1:00PM on MCM Channel 21.

The Alzheimer’s Association is the worlds leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research.  To contact the Alzheimer’s Association, go to or call 703-359-4440.



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Sheila Ogilvie

About Sheila Ogilvie

Sheila Ogilvie is the President of Ogilvie Transportation Services and Producer and Host of “Transforming Lives” -- A show that spotlights individuals, companies, and charities whose great work transforms lives and improves the quality of life for citizens in Montgomery County and the surrounding areas. To contact Sheila Ogilvie call 301-598-0591.


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