Almost 70% of Pregnant Women Screened for COVID-19 by Mary’s Center Tested Positive

Hispanic women account for almost half of Covid-19 cases among pregnant women nationwide, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Based on the CDC’s data, among more than 14,000 pregnant women who tested positive for Covid-19 and provided information on race and ethnicity, more than 6,000 were Hispanic, the largest group among all ethnic groups.

Locally, between March and July, Mary’s Center Community Clinic screened more than 215 pregnant women for coronavirus, the vast majority of them Latina. More than 150 of them, almost 70 percent, were positive cases.

MyMCMedia spoke with Dr. Audrey Escobedo who explained why Latina pregnant women have more positive cases and the importance for them to get tested.

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Andrea Sarralde

About Andrea Sarralde

Andrea Sarralde is MyMCMedia’s bi-lingual content producer. She is a multi-media anchor, producer, and communications and social media specialist. You can reach Andrea by email at, on Facebook @asarraldeTV, on Twitter @asarralde. Listen and subscribe to Andrea's Hola Montgomery podcast.


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