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Achieving Collegiate Excellence and Success

Montgomery College, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) and the Universities at Shady Grove (USG) announce a new program designed to provide a seamless educational pathway from high school to college completion in Montgomery County. Achieving Collegiate Excellence and Success (ACES) will be a collaborative program between Montgomery College, MCPS, and USG to increase the number of students achieving bachelor’s degrees. ACES will provide supportive coaching and individualized services for high school students to ensure successful college transitions, enrollment, and completion. This program is focused on student groups that are underrepresented in higher education, including African American, Hispanic and low-income students, as well as those who would be the first in their family to attend college. The program will begin in eight MCPS high schools with the goal of expanding in future years.

Visit the MCPS ACES webpage to learn more.

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