ACES Students To Celebrate Achievements at a Special Ceremony in Bethesda
The Achievement Collegiate Excellence and Success (ACES) program was designed to assist thousands of at-risk youth who are underrepresented in college. On Tuesday, June 16, educators, county officials, and relatives will gather to recognize these students’ hard work, dedication, and achievements at Strathmore in Bethesda.
ACES, launched in 2013, is a collaboration is between Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), Montgomery College (MC) and the Universities at Shady Grove (USG).
“We are excited to be a partner in ACES to provide opportunities for students to complete their bachelor’s degree. ACES creates a much needed pathway for students, from all backgrounds, to realize their fullest potential and become the next generation of leaders in our community. I look forward to expanding the program to reach more students,” said Stewart Edelstein, executive director of The Universities at Shady Grove.
According to a news release, the program identifies qualifying students by Grade 9 and provides comprehensive interventions and support to help keep them on track for college enrollment and completion. There are 10 public high schools participating and more will be added in the coming years. Currently, there are over 2,000 students in the ACES program at MC, MCPS, and USG.
MCPS staff identify which students need assistance through an application process and Montgomery College coaches work with the students to get them college-ready. If the student decides to attend MC or USG, they will receive support services until they receive their bachelor’s degree. If not, the coach will work to identify a support system at the university the student chooses to attend.
The event will feature live entertainment including dancers and a choral group from MCPS. To find out more, click here.
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