A Look Back at Montgomery County’s Bag Tax by Jonah Loshin
It’s been over three and a half years since legislature passed a bill proclaiming each additional bag to be 5 cents. So, now we look back on the tax, is it working, is it worth it?
I enjoyed Jonah Loshin’s film about the Mont. County bag tax. I learned a lot about how it came into being and why it was and is currently needed. I’m looking forward to seeing more of Jonah’s films. He has a nice way of putting information and news stories together. Sincerely, Jerry Eisner
Hi, I have been struggling with the bag tax for too long! I call for a revolution….. just like our forefathers fought the British because of taxation without representation so should we! Everyone chant with me…. REVOLT! REVOLT! REVOLT!
I do not care about the bag tax because 5 cents is not enough money to scare me! I have millions of dollars to spend on 5 cent bags…… we shall see who is hurting financially in the end!