A Day In the Life of Montgomery County

If you live or work in Montgomery County, plan to pick up your camera, video recorder or smartphone and join in the fun of on April 22, creating the ultimate crowd-sourced collage: “A Day in the Life of Montgomery County.”
Join with your neighbors and friends in filling a virtual time capsule of a day in your life and the people living or working with you. Together, we will capture moments big and small in a 24-hour period. On April 22, from Clarksburg to Takoma Park, from Olney to Potomac, join in and share a snapshot of your life as you see it. Whether at work, at school, or at home, send a picture or video of life in Montgomery County as you live it to pix@mymcmedia.org.

A Day in the Life of Montgomery County April 22, 2013

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