photo housing fair

County Housing Fair on April 27 (Video)

On April 27, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Montgomery County Housing Fair will be held at the Bohrer Park Activity Center, Summit Hall Farm (next to Gaithersburg High School), 506 S. Frederick Ave. in Gaithersburg. This free fair features more than 75 housing-related exhibits, including information about first-time homebuyer programs, closing cost assistance, information from mortgage companies, banks and others in the housing field.

In addition, there will be 8 drawings during the day to award $500 to any fair goer to use to pay toward their mortgage, rent or utility bills.

If you want the facts about foreclosures or if you are in need of some advice about your own mortgage, there will be dozens of housing counselors, attorneys and representatives from mortgage servicers available to meet with you.

There are also counselors on site who will pull your credit report, analyze it and help you prepare to become financially fit to qualify for a home mortgage.

There will be many children’s activities going on at the fair, including a Home Depot table where your children can build their own bird house. There are clowns, cartoon characters and face painters scheduled throughout the day.

Learn more in this short video

Visit our PEG partner County Cable Montgomery to view more of its local programming.

This free event is organized by the Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community affairs in partnership with a group of state and local housing organizations. For more information, contact Myriam Torrico at 240-777-3627, or send an email to:

For more information call 240.777.3627 or visit online.

Make sure to visit the Fair’s Facebook Page by searching for Montgomery County Housing Fair on Facebook.

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