Schools Safety Forum
Montgomery County Councilmembers Phil Andrews and Craig Rice, both of whom serve on the Council’s Education Committee, at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 16, will join County leaders from a variety of organizations at a public forum on how to make Montgomery County’s schools safer. The forum, which will be held at the Montgomery County Public Schools Carver Educational Building in Rockville, is sponsored by the County’s Parent Teacher Associations.
The forum will be held in the auditorium of the Carver Building, which is located at 850 Hungerford Drive.
In addition to Council Vice President Rice and Councilmember Andrews, who chairs the Council’s Public Safety Committee, those expected to participate in the forum include Police Chief Tom Manger, Commander Luther Reynolds and other public safety representatives; Board of Education President Christopher Barclay and other board members; Beth Schiavino-Narvaez, the deputy superintendent for school support and improvement for Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS); and Robert Hellmuth, the director of school safety and security for MCPS.
The forum will be moderated by Ed Clarke, a retired county police captain and former director of safety and school security for MCPS.
Following the tragic school shooting in Newtown, Ct., the forum will include an open discussion on policies and programs already in place regarding Montgomery school security. The forum also will allow residents to state their views and ask questions regarding those policies and programs.
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