GGCC Names BOD Chair
Ron Dimaranan is the new Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce (GGCC) Board of Directors (BOD) chair. Dimaranan is the director of business development for Mid-Atlantic Federal Credit Union (MAFCU).
“We are very excited about Ron taking over as our chairman of the board. He has been actively involved in growing our chamber for the past two years. He is the right person, at the right time to really take our chamber to the next level,” said Marilyn Balcombe, GGCC executive director.
Dimaranan has been working for MAFCU since 2006. He oversees Business Services which includes Business Banking and Commercial Lending. He has been a GGCC Board Member for four years. He has previously served as the vice-chair, member recruitment and retention.
“The chamber is an integral part and the voice of the business community. That’s why I love being a part of the chamber,” said Dimaranan.
The GGCC is active in providing business-to-business networking opportunities throughout the year: a collective voice in local, regional, and state legislative affairs, professional development opportunities and other services that enhance the business environment. The GGCC offices are located at 910 Clopper Road, Suite 205N, Gaithersburg, MD. To learn more about the GGCC: www.ggchamber.org.
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