Mark Uncapher

Welcome to Tampa Martin O’Malley

Martin O’Malley is down in Tampa to campaign against Mitt Romney. The contrast of Maryland’s jobs record with other states such as Virginia, makes an apt comparison for this election.

While other states held the line on increased spending and taxes and are in better shape, Maryland in lagging on job creation. Instead of encouraging private job growth, O’Malley uses the legislative special sessions to cut taxes for casino operators, while raising taxes for the middle class.

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About Mark Uncapher

Mark Uncapher has been Chairman of the Montgomery County Republican Party since 2008. The party represents over 125,000 registered voters, Professionally he is a telecommunications lawyer and previously served as a Counsel to a Subcommittee of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. He and his wife Robin are both graduates of George Washington University and have lived in Bethesda since 1995.


One Response to “Welcome to Tampa Martin O’Malley”

  1. Avatar
    On August 28, 2012 at 4:33 pm responded with... #

    Next time try proofreading? Your second paragraph makes no sense.

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