Maryland Senior Olympics Registration Opens

Maryland Seniors can go for the gold. Seniors can now register for events hosted through October.

Seniors will be divided into age groups to compete in a variety of sports including archery, track and field, swimming and more. 

Maryland participants may also advance to the national competition in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in May 2022. 

Participants must be 50 or older. There are no limits to the number of sports seniors can sign up for. The event’s motto is “To participate is to win.”

Three upcoming events include cycling on Aug. 4 in Anne Arundel County and track and field and walking on Aug. 7 and 8 in Prince George’s County. Montgomery County will host future events.

The Maryland Senior Olympics began in 1980. Montgomery County Recreation has been the host agency for Maryland in the National Senior Games Association since 2007. Montgomery Parks and Howard County Recreation and Parks are also partners for this event. 

Volunteers can participate in the events through various tasks like timing, judging, score keeping and more.

For event registration, the newsletter and more information, visit the Maryland Senior Olympics website.

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Madelyn Willoughby

About Madelyn Willoughby

Madelyn Willoughby was an intern with MyMCMedia during the summer of 2021. At the time, she was a rising sophomore at the University of Maryland majoring in journalism. She is from northern New Jersey and has always loved to write. She hosts a weekly podcast with friends called In Retrograde and serves as a writer and assistant social media manager for Her Campus Maryland.


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