MCM Intern Grant Elliott

How I Even Got Here: A Definitely True Story

MCM Intern Grant Salgaller

MCM Intern Grant Salgaller

As the last intern at MCM to jump onto the blogging bandwagon, I thought I’d follow the trend of my predecessors by writing my first blog about, well, myself. I might as well start from the very beginning and tell you the story of how I found MCM and became an intern in the first place. You might not believe me at first, but I promise that everything in this story is totally definitely true.

I first encountered Montgomery Community Media when I was flying in outer space. My dad is an evil mad scientist, so he makes me all sorts of cool gadgets and gizmos when he’s not plotting to take over the world. Back in April, for example, he gave me my own rocket-powered space suit! You see, back then, my dad was obsessed with using the power of asteroids to bring the earth to its knees. So when Take Your Child to Work Day rolled around, he had to give me a space suit in order to be able to take me to his secret Lunar Laboratory and show me his latest dastardly scheme.

On our way to the moon, I accidentally bumped into a satellite, which really hurt. When I looked at the satellite to make sure I hadn’t dented it, I noticed that it said MONTGOMERY COMMUNITY MEDIA: ACCESS.19 in big, red letters on the side. “Isn’t that funny?” I thought, “I’m from Montgomery County, and this satellite is from Montgomery Community, wherever that is. What are the odds??” The rest of the day went smoothly, but I couldn’t stop thinking about that satellite.

When I got home, I used Elizabeth, my sentient supercomputer, to research this mysterious “Montgomery Community Media.” It wasn’t long before I discovered that it was actually a television station, which was so cool because I have always wanted to pursue a career in television and film! I emailed one of their executive producers, Jon Sullivan, and asked about their internship opportunities. Before I knew it, I was in the offices of MCM, signing papers to start my internship the next week!

So that’s my totally true story of how I got this internship. Not a single detail was fabricated or exaggerated. I’m an honest journalist. I’d write more, but I’m going to lunch now. My pocket-sized robot chef made me chicken parmesan and he hates it when I let my meals get cold.

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About Grant Elliott

Grant Elliot is a summer intern with Production Services.


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