Just Another Manic Monday: Metro Single-Tracking Due to Train Collision
Wondering why your commute is taking longer than expected this Monday morning? Delays were caused by two out-of-service trains that rear-ended each other earlier today when heading back to their respective rail yards. The collision occurred between the Foggy Bottom and Farragut West stations.
The two train operators were treated for non-life-threatening injuries. one has already been released.
Metro is encouraging riders to try and find alternative routes because of the expected major delays.
Updating Orange, Silver, Blue info: Delays/single tracking will impact service *all day* today, through closing. Trains will run every 15 min, even at rush hour, resulting in very crowded conditions. Please start planning now for the PM commute (use alternates if you can). #wmata
— Metro Forward (@wmata) October 7, 2019
I've never seen the Ballston Metro this hectic. Silver line is shut down except between Ballston and Wiehle Reston. Orange running every 15 min. They are queuing people up to head into D.C. from Ballston. #dcmetro #commute @DCMetroandBus @dcmetrohero pic.twitter.com/deClwCTPrc
— Ashley Hopko (@AshleyHopko) October 7, 2019
Orange, Blue and Silver Line trains will be running every 15 minutes as opposed to the normal 4-10 minutes. The Orange and Blue lines will be single tracking between Farragut West and McPherson Square. The Silver line will only be operating between Wiehle-Reston East and Ballston and you will need to transfer to the Orange line at Ballston in order to go any further.
If you were planning on taking the Metro tonight for the Washington Nationals’ playoff game at 6:40 p.m., Metro recommends you avoid using the Capitol South stop on the Orange, Blue and Silver lines and instead take the Green line to Navy Yard to avoid major delays.
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