Remembering the Capital Gazette Victims One Year Later

One year later, hearts are still broken and people all over the country continue to remember Gerald Fischman, Robert Hiaasen, John McNamara, Rebecca Smith and Wendi Winters, the five victims who were killed of the Capital Gazette shooting.

In remembrance, #PressOn.

Gov. Larry Hogan announced a statewide moment of silence to honor the slain employees at 2:33 p.m. Friday. That is the exact time a gunman entered the Capital Gazette newsroom and killed Fischman, 62, Hiaasen, 59, McNamara, 56, Smith, 34, and Winters, 65.

Hogan tweeted on Friday: “As I reflect on that tragic day—the chaos, the grief, the outpouring of support, the survivors’ commitment to sharing the news—I am reminded of both the strength of my local community and the necessity of freedom of the press.”

On Thursday, Hogan announced that he signed a proclamation recognizing June 28 as Freedom of the Press Day in Maryland.

The newspaper, its employees and journalists remembered the attack on Twitter.

— MyMCMedia staff reporter Deirdre Byrne contributed to this report.

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Ambika Narula

About Ambika Narula

Ambika (Ambi) Naula is a journalism major and creative writing minor at the University of Maryland, College Park. She has previously written for The MoCo Show. She can be reached on Twitter and Instagram @bambiambi313


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