Council Issues Proclamation for Longtime Council Administrator
The Montgomery County Council issued a proclamation Tuesday to honor Steve Farber, the longtime council administrator, who is retiring.
Farber, 75, of Chevy Chase, officially retires Wednesday. He joined the council staff in 1991. Since then, he has served seven councils.
A graduate of Harvard and the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton, Farber serves as the principal adviser to the council and oversees the council staff.
Marlene Michaelson, who has served as the council’s senior analyst for planning issues for 29 years, has been chosen to succeed Farber.
The council administrator serves as the principal adviser to the council, and helps develop and implement the Council’s policies and work program. The position also oversees the council staff, and represents the council on several county boards, including the investment boards of the County’s retirement plans.
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