Silver Spring Ice Skating Rink Opens Its Doors Despite Winter Storm

If you’re experiencing cabin fever and looking for something to do, staff at Silver Spring Ice Skating Rink said “snow problem.”

Despite Winter Storm Stella, Silver Spring Ice Skating Rink will be open on Tuesday until 10 p.m.

“We decided to open because a lot of people love to come out in snow so it’s a big time for us to get families to come down,” Reuben Wauyo, site operations manager said. “It’s a great way to enjoy both the weather and our theme of ‘winter wonderland.”

With the help of friends and another manager, Wauyo was able to get the sidewalks clear for those who plan to participate.

Admission for adults is $13 and children is $12.

March 26 is the last day the ice skating rink will be open for the season until Oct. 2017.

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Mitti Hicks

About Mitti Hicks

Mitti Hicks is a multimedia journalist and community engagement specialist with Montgomery Community Media. She is passionate about telling stories that impact our community and may be reached at and on Twitter @mittimegan.


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