Photo of Larry Hogan

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan Asks Marylanders to Stand with People of Texas

Larry Hogan Maryland Governor Larry Hogan has issued a statement about the shootings in Dallas:

“This morning, I share in the grief and heartbreak that burdens members of our law enforcement community as well as millions of Americans across the country. Yesterday’s senseless violence and the shocking death of five police officers in Dallas was a tragedy unlike anything our country has witnessed in recent years.

“The city of Dallas will be holding a moment of silence at 1 p.m. today, and I am urging all Marylanders to stand with the people of Texas at that time. Let us mourn the deaths of those who put their lives on the line to keep Dallas safe; let us pray for the safety of the men and women in blue all across the country; and let us take time today and every day to thank our brave officers for their service and reassure them that they do not stand alone.

“In Maryland and across the country, the obvious tensions between communities and law enforcement are real and cannot be ignored or swept under the rug. But there is so much more that unites us than divides us. Now is clearly a time for profound sorrow, but also for reflection, understanding and above all, compassion.

“The First Lady and I send our most sincere thoughts and prayers to the families and loved ones of those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty, as well as to those officers recovering from this horrific shooting.”

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Sonya Burke

About Sonya Burke

Sonya Burke is the Multimedia Manager at Montgomery Community Media (MCM). You can email story ideas at or reach her on Twitter @SonyaNBurke.


One Response to “Maryland Governor Larry Hogan Asks Marylanders to Stand with People of Texas”

  1. On July 8, 2016 at 3:19 pm responded with... #

    People need to look into staged events that are taking place to further agendas. We do not get the truth from the mainstream news outlets. Until we open our eyes and see who the real enemy is…things will only get worse. Use your God given brains and see the lies. One tell tale sign is immediate family members giving interviews within 24 hours of their loved ones being shot and killed, discussing the agenda. Please do yourself a favor and research it for yourselves.

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