Governor Hogan Releases Statement on Increase in Traffic Deaths
Traffic deaths in Maryland increased 17 percent from 2014 to 2015. Governor Larry Hogan released the following statement on this increase:
“Anytime a life is lost on our highways it is a tragedy, and last year, Maryland experienced far too many of them. From Montgomery County Police Officer Noah Leotta to Maryland Transportation Authority Maintenance Technician Michael Pearce, every death on our roads could have been prevented and each one is devastatingly heartbreaking for the families and loved ones left behind.
“The safety and security of Marylanders will always be my number-one priority, and our administration remains committed to making our highways as safe as possible. Since taking office, we have introduced several proven measures that will make a difference on our roads, including stricter ignition interlock laws and increased funding for the Maryland State Police. Most importantly, we have invested $1.97 billion in key highway and bridge projects across the state, which are critical to improving safety on our roads, and we will vigorously fight any proposal or outside pressure that could put these much-needed safety improvements at risk. Safety must always be at the core of our investments in transportation.
“Ultimately, every citizen of this state has a shared responsibility. We all need to slow down; always drive sober; pay attention at all times; keep an eye out for workers in construction zones; look out for motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians; use crosswalks; and make sure every person is wearing a seat belt or properly fastened in a child safety seat. If we all commit to safety on our roads, together we can make a difference and save lives.”
I think people need to be taught how to walk around streets. I was brought up to look left,right and left again before crossing. I have seen someone hit jay walking because 2 lanes of cars had a red light but the 3rd lane had a green turn arrow. I also struggle with people walking down the middle of the street at the oncoming postal vehicle failing to get out of the way. I also see many people on bikes not stopping at stop signs and stop lights. The teams of multiple bike riders who take up 3/4 of a traffic lane instead of going single file agrivate many drivers. Instead of being cautious people expect cars see them and step into the road without looking. A cross walk is never a guarantee that someone will stop.