Churchill Ranks in Top 100 of Washington Post’s Most Challenging High Schools in America List
Winston Churchill High School ranked number 88 in The Washington Post’s America’s Most Challenging High Schools list for 2016.
According to a Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) news release, Churchill also ranks number one among Maryland schools and two among schools in the Washington area.
The list also ranks eight MCPS within the top 20 in the Washington area, and the top 10 are schools in Maryland. The eight schools include:
- Winston Churchill High School
- Richard Montgomery High School
- Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School
- Poolesville High School
- Walt Whitman High School
- Quince Orchard High School
- Walter Johnson High School
- Thomas S. Wootton High School
“Our schools continue to perform at high levels on AP and IB tests,” Larry Bowers, interim superintendent of schools, said. “MCPS is committed to ensuring that all of our students have the access, rigor and opportunity to achieve success,” he said.
The list includes 2,289 schools from across the country and more than 186 schools from the Washington D.C. region. The Washington Post ranks schools based on the ratio of the number of Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and Adavnced International Certificate of Education tests given at a school in 2015, divided by the total number of seniors graduating that year.
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