President Obama Awards Army Captain Flo Groberg the Medal of Honor (VIDEO)

At a White House ceremony today, President Barack Obama awarded the Medal of Honor to Army Captain Flo Groberg, a former Walter Johnson High School graduate. You can watch the ceremony, below:


Captain Florent Groberg, a 2001 Walter Johnson High School graduate, will receive the Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award, from President Barack Obama on Nov. 12 at the White House.

On Aug. 8, 2012, while on patrol in Afghanistan, Groberg rushed a suicide bomber.

In a U.S. Army News and Media video, below, Groberg describes what happened and what the medal means to him:

You can find out more about Captain Groberg, now medically retired, here.

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Sonya Burke

About Sonya Burke

Sonya Burke is the Multimedia Manager at Montgomery Community Media (MCM). You can email story ideas at or reach her on Twitter @SonyaNBurke.


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