Backpack Journalists, Interviews and Noodles!

If you have been following us on social media, then you know what a busy week we have been having at this summer’s Backpack Journalism Academy!  Our newest journalists seem to be having a great time (so are the staff working with the class).

We started the week off with a special guest, MCM’s own Aline Barros! She spoke to the budding journalists about her experiences in journalist and gave some great advice. We also practiced some interview skills and played a game or two. That concluded the first day. Our second day did not begin as promising as the dark clouds and rain filled the sky. We had an outdoor activity and the concern for heavy rain was very much on our minds. Thankfully, by the time we needed to go outside, the sun was shining bright. Our journalists were using our new cameras to “Zoom” around the building for their video scavenger hunt. The footage they got was amazing. Our week ended on Wednesday with a wonderful experience. We had the opportunity to go Noodles & Company in the Kentlands to interview their management staff, learn about the company, get a behind the scenes tour and enjoy their delicious noodles! I think the deserts were a huge hit. The staff was wonderful and really made our journalists feel welcomed and at ease as they put their interviews to work. To walk off our yummy lunch from Noodles & Company and take advantage of such a beautiful day, our journalists took a walk around The Kentlands. “Man on the street” interviews were the activity for the remainder of the afternoon. They learned that those were not as easy.

Our Backpack Journalists are now working on their own stories out in the community. Their topics are very diverse and interesting. If you see one of them out in the community, as always, stop and let them interview you. I think you will be really impressed. I am excited to see how their stories turn out. Up next on the agenda next week is editing. Check back to see how that’s going. You can also get daily updates by following me on Twitter (@MandiWyndham).

Also, there are a few spaces available and filling fast for the Second Session of The Summer Backpack Journalism Academy  that begins on July 20th. You don’t want to miss out on this exciting summer program!


Here’s a look back at our week:


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About Mandi Wyndham

Mandi Wyndham is the Training & Volunteer Services Coordinator at MCM and instructor of the Summer Backpack Journalism Academy and Citizen Journalism.


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