UPDATED: Gaithersburg to Honor Summit Hall PTA President

UPDATED June 15, 2015 – The city of Gaithersburg will honor Summit Hall PTA President Oscar Alvarenga at the June 15th Mayor and City Council meeting. You may remember Alvarenga was named the Parent-Teacher Association President of the Year last month by the Montgomery County Council of PTAs.

ORIGINAL POST Oscar Alvarenga admits he used to be the field trip dad at Summit Hall Elementary School in Gaithersburg. Now, this father of three boys at the school is being recognized as the Parent-Teacher Association President of the Year by the Montgomery County Council of PTAs.

Here’s what he thinks of the award.


Alvarenga took over the helm of the PTA last July and he said he plans to keep the job another year. His wife is treasurer of the Summit Hall organization, making the two a power couple of school know-how. He was also named the cluster representative for the Gaithersburg schools cluster at MCPS.

“We have a diverse school community. I want to be that voice until they find theirs,” Alvarenga told MyMCMedia.

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Krista Brick

About Krista Brick

Krista Brick is a multi-media journalist with Montgomery Community Media.


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