Safe Silver Spring Group To Talk Police Body Cameras, Wiretapping Laws Tonight
Safe Silver Spring, a community civic group, is scheduled to host a meeting tonight to discuss police body cameras, what happens after police confiscates assets, wiretapping laws, sex crime reporting, among others.
Montgomery County Police Chief Tom Manger, Montgomery County Councilmembers Tom Hucker and Marc Elrich, and State Senator Jamie Raskin are scheduled to speak at the event.
Tony Hausner, chair of Safe Silver Spring, said attendees will also have a chance to ask questions and share comments at the event.
The meeting will be held on January 12, 7 p.m. at the Silver Spring Civic Building 1 Veterans Place in Silver Spring.
According to the civic group website, the mission of the nonprofit is to develop strategies, partnerships and goals to “keep Silver Spring a community where people can live, work, travel, shop and play
safely.” Safe Silver Spring encourages citizens, community and business leaders, businesses, non-profit organizations, and public officials to take steps to reduce crime and keep neighborhoods safe.
To find more about Safe Silver Spring, click here.
Many thanks for this article, for coming last last, for all the tweets. Look forward to article.