Inside MCPS’ Closure Decision and What About Tomorrow?
UPDATED Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) students enjoyed their first snow day of the new year on Jan. 6.
But the decision to close the county’s school district came after an earlier morning announcement of a two hour delay. We wanted to know how those decisions were made, so we turned to Dana Tofig, who is the public information officer for MCPS.
Here’s what he told us in an email:
“When we made the call about the delay, around 4:30 a.m., the snow had not started and the forecasts were still for 1-2 inches. We felt that a two hour delay would be appropriate. As the morning went on, it became clear that the forecasts were inaccurate. We talked with the county, who said they needed more time and space to clear the roads. So we made the call to cancel school,” Tofig said. “It was later than we usually would make that call, but the circumstances drove the decision and we believe it was the right call.”
As for reaction from parents?
“Generally, parents have supported the decision,” Tofig said.
And, what about tomorrow?
“Our hope is to open school on time tomorrow,” Tofig said.
Hopefully you people have learned from the horrible mistakes you “decision makers” made last year. many MOCO residents had to unrightly tolerate your bad decisions about school closings along with other county closings. There were times when the county closed down over a lousy inch of snow that melted by mid morning. You people were the laughing stock of the USA the day the news media outlets blasted MOCO for closing down the county because there was ice on the trees, but the roads were bone dry! I remeber that day well. And then there are the plow drivers who had no experience plowing snow professionally and made roads worse. I completely understand that your knowledge of snow removal and county wide closings are inadequate, but please allow other jurisdictions to teach and advise you from their expertise in this field. One very important thing to remember was another terrible mistake in the decision making process that ocured too often last year was this: Learn the geographical territory of Moco. This county is a long county(mileage) from north to south. It may be snowing way up in Germantown, raining in Rockville, and clear down in Silver Spring. Its irrational to close the entire county because of one or two areas of bad weather. This decision should be made on a city by city examination. I’m not trying to belittle your lack of knowledge or common sense, i’m just giving sound advice from someone who has a lot mor knowledge and common sense than most government ‘decision makers’ in MOCO and have for the last ten years i have resided in MOCO. Feel free to let me advise you on any future decisions for Montgomery County Md. Thanks for your attention on these matters.
And after thorough research on many weather outlets, There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to have any delay in schools tomorrow, inless you feel its a little to chilly to venture outside!
Seriously, two hour delay on 1/7/15 Wednesday is for no reason. Roads are clear, it’s sunny and chilly but two hour delay county wide is unnecessary!.