RIP Zoning Ordinance (PHOTOS)

ZONING2Montgomery County officials, today, buried the county’s Zoning Ordinance, that was originally established in 1977, at a park next to Park and Planning headquarters in Silver Spring. Earlier this year, the Council approved the first major revision to the ordinance in 37 years.

The revised zoning ordinance is now available at: .

“With more predictability in the system, businesses will be able to act more nimbly and be more responsive to community concerns,” said Councilmember Floreen, who chairs the Council’s Planning, Housing and Economic Development Committee and spearheaded the zoning rewrite project. “That’s good news in a County that has long been criticized for failing to support job creation.”

The new zoning code has broader land use categories that are inclusive of an ever evolving marketplace. The rules help to promote smart growth principles with more density allowed in and around transit. In addition, residential uses are generally permitted in commercial zones, which will create more mixed-use developments.

“The new code provides a more adaptable and progressive framework for our efforts to build vibrant communities,” said Planning Board Chair Anderson. “The years of work that have gone into this project will produce benefits in the form of more sustainable development patterns and better design.”

The zoning code rewrite is one example of how the County’s land use evolution is entering an exciting stage of development. The current Council has devoted considerable time to land use issues, and during its four-year term has approved more master and sector plans than any other Council in recent memory.

In addressing master and sector plans around the County, the Council has focused on creating cutting-edge centers for innovation in areas that have historically been underutilized, like the White Oak area.

Additional information about the zoning code rewrite can be found at:


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Sonya Burke

About Sonya Burke

Sonya Burke is the Multimedia Manager at Montgomery Community Media (MCM). You can email story ideas at or reach her on Twitter @SonyaNBurke.


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