photo of teen receiving immunization

More than 1,000 Students Still Without Necessary Vaccinations

There are still nearly 1,500 seventh-graders who do not have the required proof of immunizations to be allowed to continue to go to class at Montgomery County Public Schools.

photo of teen receiving immunization

File Photo
Photo | CDC

Mary Anderson, spokeswoman for the Department of Health and Human Services told MyMCMedia Friday that the latest numbers show 1,491 seventh-graders still have failed to show they have the latest immunizations to meet new vaccine requirements.

“I think it is a combination of not knowing (the new requirements) and not getting to it,” Anderson said.

All Maryland school students entering 7th grade in August 2014 must show proof of one Tdap (Tetnus-diptheria-acellular pertussis) vaccination and one Meningococcal (MCV4) vaccination. The deadline to provide proof of immunizations is Sept. 15.

MCPS has been sending letters home to those students who still haven’t met the health requirements as well as used robocalls to remind parents to get it done, according to  MCPS spokeswoman Gboyinde Onijala.

“We continue to work with the families. Some will continue to get them today,” Onijala said. At the start of the school year, 4,200 7th graders are not compliant with the new requirements.

Clinics were offered at nine high schools in the county last week. Parents can also go through the  Vaccines for Children Program to eligible children through 18 years of age, at three health centers in Montgomery County.

Anderson said she expects more clinics will be scheduled Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week to address this particular population. Specific information on where they will be held was not immediately available.

Meanwhile, Onijala said the school system has not yet determined what they will do when a seventh-grader who does not have the required immunizations shows up for school on Monday.

“We  have no plan yet for Monday. The numbers are changing rapidly,” Onijala said.



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Krista Brick

About Krista Brick

Krista Brick is a multi-media journalist with Montgomery Community Media.


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