Balcombe Named 2014 Chamber Executive of the Year (PHOTO)

marilynbalcombeThe Maryland Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (MACCE) named Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce (GGCC) President Marilyn Balcombe its 2014 Chamber Executive of the Year during a luncheon on May 29 at Ripken Stadium.

Balcombe has been with the GGCC for almost nine years and under her leadership, the organization has grown in number of members, revenue, and stature within the business community. Balcombe sits on many Boards in the community and has created a robust calendar of events for our members. She has established a comprehensive recruitment plan and she directly implements the legislative agenda each year. She also manages the office, supervises the staff, and ensures the financial stability of the organization.

“Simply put, Marilyn has made our Chamber relevant and positioned it as a significant force advocating for the needs of our member businesses,” said David Edgerley, GGCC Board Chair. “Marilyn is a respected leader in our community and a functional expert on many land use and public policy issues. She has leveraged this stature to influence others and further our Chamber’s agenda.”

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