Greg Wims View All Posts

Greg Wims

About Greg Wims

Greg Wims has 29 years of volunteer service to the community. He is the producer of Montgomery Matters TV show on MCM, an 8th generation Montgomery County native, has volunteered with 60 non-profit organizations over 29 years and he is also the founder of the Victims’ Rights Foundation. He is... Read more

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photo Gary C.K. Huang and Greg Wims

Service Above Self

As I have mentioned previously in this blog, I serve as the Area Governor for the Bethesda Rotary Clubs. Recently in this capacity, I talked with Rotary International president-elect, Gary C.K. Huang. We discussed the upcoming International Convention which will take place in Sydney, Australia June 1-4. The theme of the convention is “Light up Rotary.” More than 30 thousand are expected to attend, including myself as I represent the Bethesda Chevy Chase Rotary Club.

photo Gary C.K. Huang and Greg Wims

Rotary International president-elect Gary C.K Huang and Rotary Area Governor Greg Wims

The Rotary Clubs have focused on ending polio. At this time there are only three nations remaining with polio. Providing safe drinking water is another focus for the Rotary Clubs. I will be attending the “Safe Water” workshop at the International Convention. The Bethesda Chevy Chase Rotary Club has completed two water projects and we are focusing on another next year in Africa.

Rotary is an amazing international organization with more than 1.2 million volunteer members from 34 thousand clubs worldwide helping people in need every day. The Rotary motto is “Service above self.” For more information on Rotary Clubs in Montgomery County, please visit

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Greg Wims

About Greg Wims

Greg Wims has 45 years of volunteer service to the community.He is the producer of Montgomery Matters TV show on MCM, an 8th generation Montgomery County native, has volunteered with 60 non-profit organizations over 45 years and he is also the founder of the Victims' Rights Foundation. He is the area Governor for the Bethesda area Rotary Clubs. His place of employment is Bold Concepts, Inc. He has received over a 100 awards locally and internationally and has raised over 2 million dollars for charities.


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