March on Washington: Ervin Says Lead Fight Forward (Video)

As thousands of people prepare to travel to the nation’s capital to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, Montgomery County leadership reflects on what this milestone means.

Montgomery County Councilmember Valerie Ervin (D-District 5) sat down with MyMCMedia’s Tamika Smith to share he perspective on this historic moment.

Councilmember Ervin made history in 2006, when she was the voted as the first African American woman to serve on the County Council. She served as  council president in 2010.

She continues her reflection in a Huffington Post blog post.

In 1988, she commemorated the 25th anniversary of the March on Washington and recalls being with her two young sons and her former husband.

I was only 31 years old. I was a wife and mother, and it seemed like I had my whole life ahead of me. I recall being filled with optimism and hope, believing that the country had taken great steps forward toward a more just and fair society. In the aftermath of the Civil Rights Movement, I believed that little black boys, like my sons, would grow up in a country where they could dream big dreams and become anything that they wanted to be.

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Tamika Smith

About Tamika Smith

Tamika Smith is passionate and curious about the world. She often wonders what motivates people to walk in their particular journeys in life. A native of Miami, Florida Smith graduated from Howard University in 2007 and continues to give back through mentorship.


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