100,000 Homes Campaign (Photo & Video)

Montgomery County kicked off its entrance to the nationwide 100,000 Homes Campaign on June 26 as it seeks to find at least 300 volunteers to assess the needs of the most vulnerable homeless residents during a three-day effort in November.

The county joins more than 200 communities already in the campaign who have collectively found permanent housing for 55,000 people who were previously chronically homeless.

Holding symbolic numbers at ceremonies in Rockville were, left to right: County Executive Isiah Leggett; County Councilmembers George Leventhal and Craig Rice; John Kaine, a previously homeless County resident; Susie Sinclair-Smith of the Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless; Nadim Khan of the Special Needs Housing program; Susan Kirk of Bethesda Cares; and Rita Harris of the Housing Opportunities Commission.

If you are interested in volunteering or learning more, please contact Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless at 301.217.0314.

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