10 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day

Today is Earth Day. The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970. This 49-year-old tradition allows us to appreciate the environment in which we live. With climate change looming around us, we found some ways you can help reduce our county’s carbon footprint and celebrate Earth Day.

  1. Calculate your carbon footprint. Figure out your impact on the environment.
  2. Switch to metal straws. Restaurants and large chains like Starbucks have already started limiting their use of plastic straws, so why not start bringing your own! You can buy a pack of metal straws on Amazon and carry one anywhere you go.
  3. Invest in a water filter or reusable water bottles. Instead of buying a 24 pack of water bottles at the grocery store, you could buy a water filter instead. This could eliminate at least 300 standard water bottles.
  4. Bring your own bag. Instead of paying for the plastic bags at the grocery store, bring your own reusable bag. They usually fit more items than traditional plastic bags.
  5. Try taking an alternative form of transportation. If you can,  try riding a bike or carpooling with a friend when you head to your next destination. You could even walk to your favorite lunch spot on your break.
  6. Turn off the lights. Save energy by turning off the lights in the parts of your home you’re not using.
  7. Unplug appliances that you’re not using. You can unplug your coffee maker or any appliance that you don’t use throughout the day. This will save some energy and even your money.
  8. Start composting. This form of recycling can create rich soil which can feed organisms in your soil and boost the plant life in your garden. The EPA provides a guide on how to compost at home.
  9. Plant a tree. It’s Earth Day after all. This may not be something you would normally do but planting a tree is the perfect way to celebrate Earth Day.
  10. Go outside. Getting out for a run, walk, or a hike is on the best ways to enjoy nature. The time you spend outside can actually reduce stress levels and improve your overall mood.
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Ashley Profitt

About Ashley Profitt

Broadcast Journalism Student at University of Maryland College Park and Intern at Montgomery Community Media.


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